Have you reached the stage where you want to:
- Change direction in your career and/or lifestyle?
- Release the brakes and step up in your career?
- Scale back; reduce your hours/responsibilities?
- Exit the workplace?
- Start a business?
- Consider new options, possibilities, and adventures?
- Revitalise your lifestyle?
Regardless of your age and stage, it can be scary to step outside your comfort zone. But you can take control of your destiny, create your future, and live the life you want. This workshop is for those who are ready to stop waiting and make things happen. After all, the best investment you can make is in yourself.
Where: The Mahi Space, Bath Street, Levin
When: Thursday 2nd June, 12noon-1.30pm
Facilitator: Angela Robertson
Register here to reserve your place www.eventbrite.co.nz/e/changing-gears-whats-next-for-you-tickets-342468782347
Contact me if you’d like to host this, or a similar workshop in your area Kiaora@angelarobertson.nz www.angelarobertson.nz