Regardless of your age and stage, the best investment you can ever make is in yourself. It’s impossible to stretch yourself, change direction, or to be or have more, if you don’t step outside your comfort zone, take responsibility for the quality of your life, crystalize what it is you want, develop a plan of how you’ll get to where you want to go, and take massive action to make it happen. The good news is – you can do it! You can take control of your destiny, create your future, and live the life you want.
“We must do what scares us.
Will you take that plunge – leap that leap?
What will you do with your one wild and precious life”?
Mary Oliver, ‘The Summer Day’
Everyone has the potential to achieve their goals and aspirations and truly flourish. Sometimes all we need is a little help and encouragement to identify the possibilities and develop and implement a plan to achieve them. I offer one-on-one professional support and a range bespoke and community workshops to meet individual and collective needs. Scroll down to view examples of workshops and events that are available to you in 2025.
Workshops – online or in person events
Changing Gears – What’s next for You?
Have you reached a stage where you want to:
- Change direction in your career and/or lifestyle?
- Release the brakes and step up in your career?
- Scale back; reduce your hours/responsibilities?
- Exit the workplace?
- Start a business?
- Consider new options, possibilities, and adventures?
- Revitalise your lifestyle?

Contact me if you’d like to host this 90-minute workshop in your area, or if you would prefer to participate online
Managing Your Mindset – Is your mindset working for you, or against you?
We all have a set of beliefs that influence how we:
- Think, question, learn and make sense of the world around us.
- Feel in various situations/circumstances.
- Identify, interpret, and respond to opportunities and challenges as they arise.
- Communicate with ourselves, about ourselves – our inner dialogue on just about everything, whether positive or negative.
- Interact with others – family, friends, and the wider community.
- Make choices on what we do, what we’ll learn, what groups we’ll join etc.
Inevitably there is a connection between our thoughts, feelings, and actions. Clearly your mindset matters a great deal. In this thought-provoking short course, you will have the opportunity to challenge your mindset and take a fresh look at possibilities for the future.
This 60-minute workshop can be conducted online or face-to-face. Details are available on request. Contact me

Write Your Story – series of five weekly 2.5-hour community workshops
Your stories matter. Don’t wait until it’s too late to document your memories, career or business story, your family history, your travel adventures or your spiritual journey. Be inspired! See what’s possible. Your legacy is waiting to be captured and cherished. You can get started and gain momentum on your writing project in a supportive, fun environment. All you need is an open mind, a pen, and a notebook.
- Getting started on your writing project
- Identifying topics and themes
- Developing your framework
- The importance of context
- Identifying and developing your main character
- Managing the process
- Selecting writing prompts
- Maintaining momentum
- Managing the process including your inner critic
This popular series of 5-weekly workshops is facilitated on a regular basis in Kāpiti (see the 2025 schedule below for dates/times) and will be available in the Horowhenua from April 2025. Contact me to reserve your place These community workshops can be arranged in your district on request. Alternatively, one-on-one personalised, professional support is also available for those that prefer to work in their own way at their own pace.

Retirement Reinvented – Community workshop.
In your middle years, working, retired or somewhere in between? What’s next? Life is about much more than work or leisure, but most of us have given little thought to what “retirement” might mean. It’s difficult to speculate what may happen in the future – but we can be proactive and take control. This course offers insights into how to make the most of our time once we’re less focused on career and/or childrearing. It covers many of the issues people face when considering a move from current employment to a different lifestyle that includes more time to do the things, we’ve always promised ourselves we’d do – “when we retire”.
This popular 6-hour community workshop is held regularly as part of Wellington High School’s 2025 Community Education Programme. To reserve your place, register online Retirement Reinvented – Wellington High School Community Education Centre (
Retire Inspired – Introductory Community workshop.
Globally the population is ageing. In New Zealand a fifth of the population will be aged 65 or over by 2034, and this number is growing. The potential to live extended, healthier, lifespans is creating new life stages and opportunities for everyone. This is changing our perspective on ageing. There is no official retirement age in NZ, although there are a few exceptions. One in four Super annuitants are currently choosing to remain in the workplace. Later life can be the most creative, productive and fulfilling part of your life. What does it look like to you? Take the time to refresh your mindset, reignite your life and re-envision the future and what that might hold?
These workshops are available to workplaces that genuinely value diversity and want their staff and their businesses to flourish into the future. Details are available on request. Contact me

2025 Schedule of Workshops and Events
Check out the workshops and events that are coming up. Note that the schedule will be updated regularly. Contact me for more details, or to book an event for your organisation/community group
Looking for a Speaker/Facilitator?
Date | Event | Location | Time |
14 Feb | Write Your Story series of 5 weekly 2.5hr Community Workshops | Paraparaumu Aquatic Centre | 9.30-12noon |
15 Feb | Retirement Reinvented 1-day Community Workshop | Wellington High School | 9.30-4pm |
18 Feb | Rotary Presentation ‘Retire Inspired’ | Mana Cruising Club | 5.30pm |
15 March | Retirement Reinvented 1-day Community Workshop | Wellington High School | 9.30-4pm |
2 April | Write Your Story series of 5 weekly 2hr Community Workshops | Levin TBC | 1-3pm |
2 May | Write Your Story series of 5 weekly 2.5hr Community Workshops | Paraparaumu Aquatic Centre | 9.30-12noon |
10 May | Retirement Reinvented 1-day Community Workshop | Wellington High School | 9.30-4pm |
14 June | Retirement Reinvented 1-day Community Workshop | Wellington High School | 9.30-4pm |
5 Sept. | Write Your Story series of 5 weekly 2.5hr Community Workshops | Paraparaumu Aquatic Centre | 9.30-12noon |
6 Sept. | Retirement Reinvented 1-day Community Workshop | Wellington High School | 9.30-4pm |
1 Oct. | International Day of Older Persons Event | TBA | |
Are you interested in Age and Opportunity in your community? Looking for an inspirational speaker or workshop facilitator for your event? Contact me at